Friday 22nd May

Today was a slightly better day, I don’t know if it was because I was excited of the prospect of it being my last day in the office until Tuesday due to the bank holiday weekend! No more early starts – result! (for a few days!)

It was a generally busy Friday for me, being a Manager can be hard work and challenging at times, but I do like to be in charge! (I’m a Taurus so I suppose it’s written in the stars to be bossy!) Anyway, I had to get a few things prepared today as it was one of the girl’s b-day (she turned 18). So I tried to make her day at work a little extra special! Which made me feel really good that I could do that for her, even if I don’t feel 100%, it’s nice to see other people happy.

This evening again still feeling happy that I’ve got a long weekend, even though I have no plans, however  the prospect of a lie-in is definitely floating my boat. So I’m happy!

My bestie text me today reminiscing about our wild nights in Miami, which happened two years ago! It got me into thinking maybe it’s time to book a nice RELAXING trip away – somewhere. I’m thinking a road trip is on the cards in the next few months 🙂

Happy Friday 🙂


Thursday 21st May

So it took me a good hour and a half to wake up this morning! I was definitely lacking energy. I’ve recently been put on some new Iron tablets to help conquer my anaemia! They seem to be working, but an hour and a half is still a long time!

But hey hoo could be worse – after finally arising from my comfortable bed, I decided to make the most of my day! Popped two tramadol to help take the soon to be joint pain that would soon to be on it’s way! Got dressed and put a bit of red lippy on (MAC) of course, just to give me a bit of colour to my face!

To get me through my 9 hour(s) day at work, to get me through the day I was defo needing bottles of Lucozade, KFC and Yoghurt shakes.

I  noticed throughout the day, the constant period pains I was experiencing! Which is starting to get me down I’ve had bleeding now for the past 9 weeks! Is apparently normal after having a Depo-vera injection! But come on how much more can I female take – lol

Anyway after a very tiring start to my day, I had a mellow chilled evening watching my soaps, eating my dinner and finally relaxing in my quarters 🙂

I’m hoping tomorrow will be a better fun, filled and energetic day!

How was your day?!


Sometimes letting it all out is the best medicine

Hey Guys! I am 23 years’ old. I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when I was 14 years’ old. I had/have the usual common Crohn’s symptoms, weight loss, diarrhoea, joint pain, fatigue, anaemia. You name it, I’ve most likely had it!

I had a bowel resection in February 2012, and I am trying to figure out a way to remain in remission. I know there’s many people out there that after a few years they end up having flare up’s and feel like the operation was a waste of time!

I have come to the conclusion that in-order for me to help myself on my journey, I need to work out my triggers and ONE thing I have noticed is that STRESS definitely plays a massive role in my remission!

I am in general a private person, in my personal life and professional life, but especially when it comes to my disease! However being so private and holding things in isn’t doing myself any good.

So I decided to create an online diary, a diary not just for me to use but for you to use as well! (if you would like) doesn’t have to be just about your disease, it can be things you did today that made you happy OR sad, or it could be the amount of times you’ve been glued to your toilet seat or about your family, holiday and adventures! Anything you want to write about it, get writing!

There’s no rules, you can publish your name, age, diagnosis or you can be completely anonymous! You don’t have to post everyday, but when you want to just write and release!

Hope this will help you as much as I need this to help me!

Shanice C.Morgan